Upgrading Ghost

I created this site using an image from Digital Ocean with Ghost already installed. Its on version 0.6.4 and I notice there is later version available (0.7.1). Time to upgrade.



  1. Back up content by exporting json file using settings > labs > export
  2. Remote onto box
  3. Download latest curl -LOk https://ghost.org/zip/ghost-latest.zip
  4. Unzip unzip ghost-latest.zip -d ghost-latest
  5. Remove core directory, index.js, *.md and *.json: sudo rm -rf core sudo rm index.js && sudo rm *.md && sudo rm *.json
  6. Copy in files from latest: copy -R ~/ghost-latest/core/ ., cp ~/ghost-latest/index.js ~/ghost-latest/*.json ~/ghost-latest/*.md .
  7. Copy latest default theme cp -R ~/ghost-latest/content/themes/casper content/themes
  8. Update persmissions chown -R ghost:ghost *
  9. Upgrade dependences npm install --production
  10. Restart service ghost restart

Successfully upgraded at the same time as writing this!