Install local version of ghost for development

The local version has minimal caching and logs to stdout making development easier. It should NOT be subsequently converted to a production install (antipattern).



  1. Check if you have a compatible version of node
    a. If not, install nvm via homebrew brew install nvm - following the instructions to create ~/.nvm etc since officially not supported this way
    b. Restart shell
    c. nvm ls-remote to list all available versions
    d. Choose the latest compatible version and install: nvm install 8.11.3 OR nvm install 8.11 to install the latestest patch of 8.11
  2. Install ghost with npm: npm i -g ghost-cli@latest
  3. Create a directory for ghost (e.g. ~/ghost, cd into it and ghost install local
  4. If using nvm, following install, double check these two commands give the same path as per the ghost docs:
    a. which ghost and npm root -g


The following commands are useful for local development:

  • ghost ls to list running instances
  • ghost start to start ghost (required after restarting workstation)
  • ghost stop to stop ghost (or will stop when shutting down workstation)
  • ghost log to view the logs

Live reload for theme development

Use live reload during theme development to immediately see changes reflected

  • create basic theme stub (as per docs)
    • index.hbs - template for a list of posts - minimally requires {{ghost_head}} and {{ghost_foot}} in it (these directives insert ghost specific javascript at the end of the head and end of the body to spam your blog with ga etc)
    • post.hbs - template for a post - minimally requires {{ghost_head}} and {{ghost_foot}} in it
    • package.json - containing valid minimal metadata about your theme
    • places files in [ghost-install-dir]/content/themes/[your-theme-name]
  • switch to your new theme using ghost admin - pages will be blank
  • ghost stop
  • npm install -g nodemon@latest
  • Start ghost using nodemon: nodemon current/index.js --watch content/themes/[your-theme-name] (you need to have already switched to your theme via ghost admin - this just simply watches the files and reloads the site if they change)
