Trip to Shikoku
There are 4 prefectures: Ehime-ken, Kagawa-ken, Kochi-ken, Tokushima-ken
Places to visit
- Kochi - washi factory?
- Matsuyama — best known for the venerable hot springs of Dogo Onsen, inspiration of princes and poets
- Takamatsu — the largest city in Shikoku
- Cape Ashizuri — a scenic cape at the southernmost point of Shikoku
- Iya Valley — a remote but beautiful mountain valley
- Kotohira — the site of the Kompira-san shrine
- Mount Ishizuchi — the tallest peak in Shikoku
- Oboke and Koboke — rafting on the Yoshino river
Accommodation - general info in camping from Japanese government, seems like you can hire tents from most places - same info as above
Iya Valley - great but v basic camping ground near the two vine bridges, open 1st Apr (Wed)\
Kouchi (west of) - cheap wooden huts夜間28−5180&sll=33.274287,133.161163&sspn=0.523553,1.484528&ie=UTF8&ll=33.468108,133.15979&spn=1.04477,1.925354&z=9 - campsite on river, can hire tent and camp and hire canoes and bikes, same area as one above, about 1 hours drive west of Kouchi - similar camping and canoeing, camping equipment for hire - just huts this one I think - 6000 yen with two meals, looks really nice
Mount Ishizuchi|Ishizuchi Fureai-no-Sato (石鎚ふれあいの里), tel. 0897-59-0203, [2]. 10 minutes down the road with a bus stop nearby, an excellent place to stay with comfortable and well-equipped cabins from ¥2,920 for 2, basic rooms starting at ¥1170 per head and riverside camping space at ¥200/person. There is a little restaurant on grounds, bathing facilities and barbeque pits. Note that this is really geared for larger groups, so call ahead to reserve and make sure the place is open (and not filled with grade schoolers). - number 17 looks cheap..
|Saturday|12:00 Go to Tokyo, lunch and shopping, 19:00 Catch ferry from Oodaiba (Mai san to book)|
|Sunday |13:00 Arrive Tokushima. Rent car (Mai san to arrange)\ 14:00 Lunch in Tokushima, maybe quick visit to Tokushima Chuo Koen\ 15:00 Drive to Iya valley/Okoke/Koboke area (about 2 hours)\ 17:00 Iya Valley|
|Monday |Iya Valley area|
|Tuesday |Kochi, night in/near kochi|
|Wednesday|Cape Ashizuri/Uwajima Castle|
|Friday |Mount Ishizuchi|
|Saturday|Kotohira/Takamatsu/Tokushima. Ferry back to Tokyo at |
|Sunday |Arrive Tokyo|