Learn Ruby
Previous attempts
- Try Ruby - finished
- Why's Poignant Guide - start of chapter 5
- Ruby Koans - did about 3
- Hartl's Rails Tutorial - start of chapter 4
- Rails for Zombies - finished first set
Good summary of different available sites, courses, tools: http://www.skilledup.com/guides/learn-ruby-programming-language-course-guide
Plan is to submit the final project of CS50 using Ruby on Rails having covered the following resources. The deadline for this is end December 2015.
- Reinstall Mac with OS X El Capitan
- Set up Mac including
etc (make note of steps) - Why's Poignant Guide, potentially interspersed with Ruby Koans
- Ruby Koans
- Hartl's Rails Tutorial
Reinstall Mac with OSX El Capitan
All files synced with Dropbox, all photos synced with Box, clean up other downloads etc and save off anything else to keep to NAS.
Set up Mac
Using KitchenPlan? Overkill?
Why's Poignant Guide
Previous notes here: https://infuerno.github.io/2013/08/27/whys-poignant-guide-to-ruby.html
There are 8 chapters plus 1 expansion pack.
The guts are in chapters 4, 5 and 6 after a brief introductory chapter.
This week: 1, 2, 3, 4 (42 pages)
Next week: Chapter 5 (52 pages)
Following week: Chapter 6, 7, 8 (176 - 94 = 80 pages)
- Chapter 1 - cartoons (1 page)
- Chapter 2 - Kon’nichi wa, Ruby (4 pages)
- Chapter 3 - A Quick (and Hopefully Painless) Ride Through Ruby (with Cartoon Foxes) - all the different parts of ruby (16 pages)
- Chapter 4 - Floating Little Leaves of Code (21 pages)
- Chapter 5 - Them What Make the Rules and Them What Live the Dream (52 pages)
- Chapter 6 - Downtown (47 pages)
- Chapter 7 - When You Wish Upon a Beard - cartoons (21 pages)
- Chapter 8 - Heaven's Harp - just a title (1 page)
Ruby Koans
Simply a set of unit test files which are executed in a certain order and initially all fail. The unit test runner directs you to which file to fix next.
Ensure you have ruby, download the zip file of koans from http://rubykoans.com/ and run ruby path_to_enlightenment.rb
inside the directory to execute the test runner.
34 files in total consisting of 282 tests.
- completed 25 Octabout_nil.rb
- completed 25 Octabout_objects.rb
- completed 25 Octabout_arrays.rb
- completed 25 Octabout_array_assignment.rb
- completed 26 Octabout_hashes.rb
- completed 26 Octabout_strings.rb
- completed 26 Octabout_symbols.rb
- completed 27 Octabout_regular_expressions.rb
- completed 28 Octabout_methods.rb
Notes at infuerno.github.io