Install TNG v14 on a VPS

Install TNG v14 on a VPS
Photo by Matthew Smith / Unsplash

I'm still a big fan of Webdock, but my current VPS could do with being blown away and reprovisioned despite the same Ubuntu version still being used (22.04), so I'll spin up a new server with the latest version and do a fresh install of TNG (and move everything else across, leaving transitory experiments behind).


These instructions are basically the same as previously. For more details, check those notes (linked above).

Provision a "Perfect Server"
  1. Spin up a new VPS
  2. Set up A records to the new server
  3. Create new shell user, assign SSH keys
  4. Run "Disable FTP" script
  5. SSH to server and sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  6. (Purchase and) download the most recent TNG files
  7. Upload TNG zip file: scp
  8. Unzip to /var/www: sudo unzip -d /var/www/
  9. Update permissions: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
  10. Copy existing webdock nginx config and tweak for TNG: cd /etc/nginx/sites-available && sudo cp webdock && sudo vi
  11. Symlink to enable the new site: sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  12. Restart nginx: sudo service nginx restart
  13. Browse to readme.html at
  14. Enable SSL: sudo certbot --nginx -d
  15. Refresh the readme.html, should redirect to https://
  16. On the webdock admin interface, create a new database
  17. Step 3 - set permissions
  18. Step 4 - rename folders
  19. Step 6 - enter db details and verify
  20. Step 7 - create db tables
  21. Step 8 - create a user
  22. Step 9 - create a tree
  23. Step 10 - choose a template - honestly, just close your eyes and let it go
  24. Browse to the new site
  25. Remove or rename set up files: index.html,

Post installation

  1. Admin > Setup > Diagnostics - check everything ticked
  2. Review Admin > Setup > General Settings > Privacy
  3. Review Admin > Setup > General Settings > Map Settings
  4. Add IP address and domain name on
  5. Fix line 385 in admin_gedimport.php preventing gedcom uploads parent.started ...
  6. Update Admin > Setup > General Settings > Import to use the "Media" local folder for all media items