Fresh install of High Sierra x 2

  1. Copy scripts in ~/ to Dropbox
  2. brew list > brew-apps-2018-08-05.txt
  3. brew cask list > brew-cask-apps-2018-08-05.txt
  4. Delete bootcamp partition, don't worry about reclaiming the space
  5. Prepare USB, reboot into installer, erase disk, install
  6. Finder prefs, touchpad prefs, Terminal prefs
  7. Change computer name
  8. Install Homebrew
  9. brew cask install alfred dropbox spectacle 1password iterm2
  10. Configure Alfred: Features > File Search > Actions > File Selection
  11. Sign into Dropbox
  12. Go for dim sum while Dropbox syncs
  13. Mess around with 1password's new password format and bemoan not realising that each vault has its own sync settings (convert to new format
  14. Install ruby: brew install rbenv (installs ruby-build); rbenv init; rbenv install -l to list all ruby versions; rbenv install 2.5.1; rbenv global 2.5.1; check with rbenv version (reference
  15. Apply solarized theme to iterm2
  16. Clone dotfiles repo; review and copy one by one to ~/
  17. Install XCode full via App Store, and open
  18. Install vim with powerline using; with set laststatus=2 to show all the time
  19. brew cask install sublime-text brackets
  20. Install Package Manager for Sublime Text (
  • cmd-shift-p : install package : MarkdownEditing
  • cmd-shift-p : install package : MarkdownPreview
  • edit the user preferences file to increase the default wrap-width
  1. brew install nodejs
  2. brew cask install dotnet-sdk

Things I forgot to do

  1. Back up .dotfiles
  2. Back up 1password vaults - think this may be a wise step before reinstalling next time - or just get a membership!